Biblioteca ?Luigi Chiarini?, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, scuola cinema, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, Sebina, biblioteca, opac, catalogo biblioteca, Roma, Lazio, biblioteca del centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Catalogo biblioteca, Prestito libri
La Biblioteca è aperta dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.30 alle 13.30, il martedì e il giovedì fino alle 16.00. Per informazioni e prenotazioni contattare
What is the status of body in the realm of digital media? This volume studies how our perception of body has been modified by new media (videogames, transmedia platforms, ARGs), new narratives (science-fictions, TV series) and new devices (wearable technologies, Virtual Reality, cosmetic surgery).
Which body images and identities do emerge? Within the ‘Post-Cinematic’ or ‘Post-Media’ condition, the body becomes a changeable, flexible ‘unstable object’. The first part of this book analyses the presence of body in television/film productions and in social media (changes, aesthetics, new spaces); the second part focuses on the relationship between the digital media and the viewer/user, showing how his/her body is subject to shape modification.